Just 8% Of Manhattan Office Workers Have Fully Returned To The Workplace
The analysis showed that 38% of Manhattan office workers are back in the office some of the time, but that number may jump to 49% by Labor Day.
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The analysis showed that 38% of Manhattan office workers are back in the office some of the time, but that number may jump to 49% by Labor Day.
“The most talented people are everywhere now…they’re getting so distributed that if you limit your talent pool to community radius, you’re probably at a disadvantage.”
Working remotely means more than just being in the office or home: now people are taking advantage of this newfound freedom to work from anywhere.
Anywhere Workers cited cost of living, career opportunities for their family, and reliable internet connection as top priorities for a work location.
For those who work from a desk, finding time to exercise can be a struggle. FlexiSpot created a solution; the Sit2Go Fitness Chair is an office chair combined with an ...
To make the post-pandemic office return more enticing, many CEOs are taking a new approach: providing choice.
While Brian Chesky says he’s not sure what Airbnb’s offices will look like, he is interested in being “innovative in the office and workplace design of the future.”
According to a study from Alliance virtual offices, hybrid workers made an average of 23% more than remote workers and 12% more than in-office workers.
Taking findings from 2,600 buildings it manages across 47 states, the firm was able to determine which regions of the country are seeing a greater office return.
For many people (such as remote workers) chemical changes in the brain in the can induce a sense of calm and relaxation when they are in the presence of these ...
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