Last year’s design trends predictions included bold colors and patterns, use of natural elements, white, open workspaces, and more.
A few days ago, workplace design expert, Kontor, released their first 2016 quarterly trends report.
“We launched Kontor’s new Design Pulse this week, a recurring feature that highlights emerging global trends we are seeing on our site. In this first roundup, we’ve compiled various themes, designs, materials and more [that] are gaining in popularity on Kontor since the start of 2016.” – Kontor CEO, Mia Lewin
Flexible workspaces have evolved over the years and, like we noted in a previous article, furniture (and also design) choice can greatly contribute in creating the right environment. Blake Zalcberg from OFM said, “Operators should focus on creating an environment that drives people to want to spend time in the office,” and this means making sure that you are offering clients and members what they’re looking for.
Below, you will find some of the workspace design trends that, according to Kontor, should be under your radar.
Café Inspiration
Kontor’s report shows that dining and coffeeshop inspired spaces are not just an amenity but also a sort of conference room. “They provide an informal place to connect with colleagues and host meetings.”
It reminds us of this workplace design prediction: open-plan and multipurpose workspaces.

Sculptural Strand Board
The design firm describes it as “the inexpensive wood paneling that can give a space the rough-and-ready feel of a workshop.” Designers are using it in seating, lighting, decorative figures, and counters.
It reminds us of this workplace design prediction: reclaimed products and materials, especially the use of wood or wood panelling to create accent pieces.

Yellow Burst
4,500 spaces in Kontor show bursts of bright yellow in their spaces. According to the report, it’s a color that’s energizing workspaces globally. It’s a color that can help you make a statement and add a bit of ‘life’ to your space.
It reminds us of this workplace design prediction: use of bold colors and patterns.

Double Duty Stairs
A pretty innovative idea if you ask us. Stairs usually take up a significant amount of space, so adding some seating to them can help you make better use of your workspace. They can work as touchtown spaces or waiting areas for guests.
It reminds us of this workplace design prediction: open-plan and multipurpose workspaces.

A creative and elegant partition of sorts that can also help add some color to your workspace.
It reminds us of this workplace design prediction: open-floor plans with flexibility for privacy.

ALL.GCUC will be covering design trends and workspace design during their LA conference May 3 – 6. Learn more here.