When discussing the future of work, many often think about the transition to a digital, remote workplace. However, it means much more than this and could actually be an indicator of a much more entrepreneurial future.
Many companies are relying on a blend of full-time and on-demand talent, also referred to as liquid workers, that allows organizations to operate in a cost-effective manner. This has allowed much of this workforce to have a better work-life balance, thus gaining more independence and entrepreneurial opportunities.
Since liquid workers are not employees, they have different workflows, which impacts the way a company operates.
This means the companies are more fluid, with projects starting and ending simultaneously across various teams. That is why it is important for business leaders to be equipped with the tools needed to support a liquid workforce, such as having the proper invoice management and payment systems.
Having a liquid workforce allows companies to expand their talent pool, while allowing these workers to perfect being a solopreneur. This means ironing out the details of benefits like insurance, legal requirements, as well as nurturing human connections and building networks.
Overall, it is up to managers to reconfigure their operations to meet the needs of liquid workers and continue forward with a blended workforce to fully realize what the future of work entails.