Neil Usher, author of The Elemental Workplace: The 12 Elements For Creating A Fantastic Workplace For Everyone, describes how the ideal workplace should be inclusive, spacious, have plenty of natural lighting and offer a variety of spaces that cater to every work style.
Usher said that he arrived at this definition of the workplace after experiencing frustration that not everyone got to experience what a great work environment can look like.
“There must be some very simple things we could concentrate on, some basic principles that we could use to create a framework so that even with small amounts of money, irrespective of where they were in the world, whichever industry sector or which workstyle they wanted to use, everyone could raise the standard of work,” said Usher. “So, it’s not an elitist thing, everyone can aspire to it.”
As many workspaces aim to cater to younger generations, Usher says this is the wrong approach. Therefore, operators should apply what they believe the needs of Millennials are to all generations. This includes collaborative opportunities, health-related amenities and more.