As coworking firms continue to rapidly expand their services, operators are implementing new design and architectural offerings to set themselves apart from competitors.
Read moreAhead of what is expected to be the second biggest IPO this year, The We Company is reportedly in talks with Wall Street banks to secure a $2.75 billion credit...
Read moreAs Melbourne’s coworking sector continues to take over premium office space, landlords have started shifting towards including coworking spaces within B-grade buildings.
Read moreManhattan is known for housing many of the city's technology companies, but Brooklyn’s growing coworking market have paved the path for the borough to become a tech hub.
Read moreCoworking operator Spaces has signed its second major Miami Beach lease this month at 1111 Lincoln, taking up 55% of the building’s 94,488 square feet of office space.
Read moreSaudi Arabia has been a major investor into much of Silicon Valley’s tech companies, but its many human rights violations have left some cutting ties with the kingdom.
Read moreEssensys, a cloud software used by several flexible office firms, has raised £28 million from its IPO on the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange.
Read moreCoworking firm Proximity Space has partnered with the Office of Economic Development and International Trade to provide rural areas with economy-boosting resources.
Read moreCoworking firms are making their presence known in buildings everywhere, but some experts in the field are being cautious as the possibility of a recession looms over.
Read moreWeWork’s business model of leasing space on a short-term basis has been met with some skepticism, but its new investment arm could help buffer it during a recession.
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