Wellness in the workplace has become a staple in many businesses across the country. Staffing firm Robert Half reports that two-thirds of HR managers say their companies’ health amenities have increased over the past five years, while 20% have decreased.
There are still steps needed to promote health in the workplace. The CDC reports that one out of four workers consumes about 1,300 calories from snacks at work.
WebMD says that work is the leading cause of stress in the country, so it is important to encourage workers to take breaks and engage in stress relief techniques, like taking walks. Redesigned workspaces can also contribute to improved health among workers.
Humans crave the outdoors, so it is important to allow plenty of natural light into office spaces. A Northwestern Medicine and University of Illinois study found that office workers exposed to natural light had better sleep quality and increased physical activity.
Protecting your eyes is also vital to overall health. Staring at screens for hours at a time can cause disease and affect your sleep according to Harvard Medical School. Apps such as f.lux and Iris help with these issues by filtering out blue light and controlling brightness.
Standing desks have been proven to reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes, and numerous other health problems. Nowadays, 44% of businesses offer them.
Entrepreneur David Hauser says he offers his employees the option and flexibility to choose their path to prioritizing wellness.