Adventurous Life is a coworking company tailored to business owners and remote workers over the age of 40 who love to travel.
Founders Pam Ivey and Linda Claire Puig have created a coworking adventure trip that combines work, vacation and living abroad.
While Adventurous Life is not the first group travel company, it’s one of the first to cater to professionals over 40, which is a largely underserved market. The groups are typically comprised of empty nesters, retirees and those who are shifting careers.
Clients receive technical support, smartphone app assistance, recreational planning and workshops geared toward their lifestyles.
Over the course of a month, the company provides daily itineraries that members can choose to participate in, such as sight-seeing, local eateries, and visiting wineries.
The group brings together seasoned professionals to handle all aspects of business management, including marketing, branding, sales strategy and moving businesses online.