Only a third of businesses use mobile technologies for administrations tasks as organizations struggle to digitize.
According to research commissions by ABBYY, about 91% of workers still prefer to use a desktop or laptop for such tasks.
43% use mobile technology for administration, although 55% say they would prefer it. Older generations are open to using mobile devices for admin, but are finding them difficult to use.
28% wish to use pen and paper for admin tasks, but desktop still dominates the workplace in the UK regardless of the recent rise in remote working.
While it seems that technology is an essential, established part of our workday, the survey shows that it is not being used to its full potential.
“Businesses and software developers must continue to work to make mobile interfaces more user friendly, and boost their convenience, ease and speed,” said Bruce Orcutt, Senior Vice President of Product at ABBYY. “As we prepare for the workforce of the future, based on a culture of convenience driven by mobile, organisations must champion smarter working practices, and educate staff on how to make the most of these platforms to drive productivity – and improve employee experience in the process.