DXC Technology has announced that there are five technology trends that are expected to transform the future of work starting next year.
“The notion of accelerated productivity will force enterprises to rethink their technology decisions and investments across the enterprise technology stack, which, in turn, will drive a sea change in how enterprises are led and structured, make informed decisions and engage employees and customers,” said Dan Hushon, senior vice president and chief technology officer at DXC.
One of the most notable trends will be artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), which will allow professions to customize and personalize their services for their customers. Furthermore, AI can provide workers with new insights, manage information overload and reduce human error.
IT services will also be shifting towards machine-to-machine interaction, rather than to people. This will expand IT infrastructure to include edge computing, the internet of things (IoT) platforms, machine intelligence, augmented/virtual reality and more.
Data ecosystems will also continue to grow as they embrace trust mechanisms that support an enterprise’s right-to-consume data.
“As these capabilities become more pervasive, manufacturers, service providers and consumers will be more willing to share data in exchanges and ecosystems,” said Hushon.
In the upcoming year, companies will understand the value of developing and supporting a network of teams, rather than individual workers. This will lead organizations to expand team linkages across the board.
More tech-savvy leaders will start to take over companies as they advocate for the integration of technology, such as smart products, that are guaranteed to boost productivity and agility in the workplace.