The office market has taken a major hit due to the coronavirus pandemic with major companies pulling out of real estate deals and adopting work from home arrangements. Some have even opted to allow employees to work from home indefinitely.
Research has found that overall, nearly half of Americans want to continue working from home after the pandemic. This is not surprising as remote working has been found to have numerous benefits, such as better autonomy, flexible scheduling, no stressful commutes and more.
Overall, all signs point to their being a surplus in office space. But if companies want to continue engaging their employees, major changes need to be made.
Employees need more than just the ability to connect to the internet and work; they need to have a workspace that is inspiring, dedicated and helps them get their best work done.
The future of work will be one where companies will have a large reduction in office footprint, unassigned open workspaces and allowing employees to make their own schedules, rather than following a traditional 9 to 5. All of this in mind, it is up to companies to adapt and instill trust in their staff to get work done.