Many businesses have adopted a remote working policy as of late due to the coronavirus outbreak, but are struggling to find the best methods that keeps workers focused, engaged and productive.
Although there is insecurity and doubt for business leaders managing a remote workforce for the first time, these feelings can hurt morale. Instead, measuring accountability in a rewarding and non-invasive way can help ensure employees are all on the same page, while alleviating concerns of workers that are not pulling their weight.
Additionally, employers should manage the expectations of their employees while working remotely. Workers everywhere are suddenly having to juggle working from home with personal responsibilities and if managers are bombarding staff with emails and chats, nothing will get done. That is why the use of monitoring tools can help as it holds employees accountable and keeps employers in check.
Remote workers often struggle with working outside of their work hours, but it is vital to respect these boundaries so employees do not experience stress and burnout.
Creating a specific plan that addresses remote working policies is important now more than ever as the inevitability of working from home during a health crisis becomes more pervasive. This plan should include a list of tools and equipment employees will need, a rewarding system, a virtual channel to keep employees connected on a personal and professional level and monitoring tools to hold workers accountable.