Coworking: Turning the Negatives into Positives
Desk Union's Victoria Arnold tackles some coworking myths, adding some helpful points to operators' marketing efforts.
Explore articles tagged ‘coworking,’ covering the latest trends, best practices, and success stories in coworking spaces
Desk Union's Victoria Arnold tackles some coworking myths, adding some helpful points to operators' marketing efforts.
Freelancing is undergoing explosive growth. Here's what you need to know about the market - and how you can capitalize.
Why Gen Y and coworking are a match made in heaven.
What can women gain from working in an all-female workspace? Quite a lot, as OT discovers.
It’s what happens once you get people coming through your business center or coworking doors that counts. How do you keep them from leaving and walking down the street to ...
We've seen the rapid growth of workspace platforms like YourWorkspaces, DeskWanted and Spacedadi. But what are the benefits to business centres?
Believe it or not, there are valuable collaboration lessons that flexible workspace operators can learn from looking back to the kindergarten days.
This topic is creating plenty of debate. Do coworking spaces really need to smarten up, or should start-ups knuckle down and be grateful for what they've got?
In the second of a two-part series, OfficingToday speaks to Jim Long on how coworking space fits into the future of work.
OfficingToday caught up with San Francisco-based Appirio to learn about their shift from traditional to open-plan workspace, and how their employees adjusted to the new space.
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