The UK Government Is Attempting To Normalize Flexible Work
The UK government has proposed a plan that would allow workers to request flexible working arrangements on day one of a new job.
The UK government has proposed a plan that would allow workers to request flexible working arrangements on day one of a new job.
UK startup Patch is launching its new coworking spaces to accommodate the growing number of hybrid workers who want a workplace closer to their homes.
UK-based coliving operator The Collective has fallen into administration after its low occupancy rates and dip in income kept the company from meeting its liabilities.
As the flexible office industry adapts to the needs of companies and workers, Industrious CEO Jamie Hodari expects a new form of leasing to shape the real estate world.
Coworking operator Spacemade will partner with landlords to open two new coworking spaces in London’s Wimbledon and Cricklewood neighborhoods.
Coworking operator WorkSuites will open two new locations in Fort Worth and Houston, Texas by the fourth quarter of this year.
Although there has been growing enthusiasm for four day work weeks among companies and even governments, there are still challenges facing this arrangement.
There is an abundance of job openings worldwide, and employers struggling to find new talent are adjusting their offerings in order to attract and retain new workers.
WeWork will reportedly begin trading its shares on the New York Stock Exchange towards the end of October, contingent upon approval from BowX Corp.’s shareholders.
The future of work is here, but it may not be as ideal as once hoped for. Now, professionals are seeking a position that fulfills their career aspirations and wellbeing.
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