What happens when your organization gets mentioned in an OfficingToday article? Well, to begin with, since OT is officially registered by Google as a news feed, your article is picked up by search engines and by global distribution networks. So your name essentially gets “out there” and is seen by thousands of people, seeking office space, seeking solutions for office space, and the list goes on. The question is; how to keep articles from eventually getting buried beneath more recent news? In other words, how to add to the “shelf life” of articles that are relevant and informative, even after a few weeks have passed?
Enter a cool little widget called the “OT Read About Us” icon. When posted on your home page (an insertable strip of html code) and clicked, it will automatically take the reader to your latest mention on OT, along with an archive of other articles and mentions over the last year.
Here’s an example, using our good friends and Ally Member, RJmetis, who happen to have a cool new piece of technology called Spacedadi. If you go to their Spacedadi home page, you’ll see the “Read About us” icon. Click on it and it will take you to the latest information about RJmetis and Spacedadi, as well as any other press mentions going back about a year.
We think it’s a pretty cool “win-win” for your business, our readers and OT. We plan to make this icon available to all those companies whose names grace the pages of OT.
For more information and to obtain the OT icon, please drop us an email at [email protected]