Technology has played an essential role in the transformation of the workplace and the ability to continue operations throughout the past few months. Now, as digital literacy has become attainable to a larger audience, the way we communicate and collaborate at work is expected to change for good.
One of the biggest changes the workplace will undergo is the adoption of 5G and how it will impact working from home. Once adopted, remote working will have the ability to become a much more seamless process for knowledge workers.
Virtual meetings and conferences will also become part of our norm as physical distancing requirements will likely stay in place until a vaccine is widely available. Several video conferencing tools have already become commonly used resources over the past few months, and are not expected to go anywhere.
Smart devices and IoT adoption will also be in high demand as workers will have a need to utilize voice or remote commands to minimize physical contact.
With the increased use of watching videos, whether it be for work or entertainment, communication companies will likely adopt a “Shared” spectrum to avoid network jams and slow streaming. Different types of shared spectrum options like TVWS or CBRS also offer the ability to provide connectivity to populations that are unconnected.
Along with this will be an uptick in artificial intelligence and machine learning to provide a better work experience. For instance, if a wireless network is using a shared spectrum, AI and ML can support the networks and ensure the best method of distributing content.