Regus’ Strategy to Win Over the New Generation of Workers
Regus, ThinkKora, and Spacesworks: a multi-brand strategy in the serviced office industry.
Explore articles tagged ‘coworking,’ covering the latest trends, best practices, and success stories in coworking spaces
Regus, ThinkKora, and Spacesworks: a multi-brand strategy in the serviced office industry.
Why a truly social workplace is not just about gathering in corridors.
Success in numbers: The Hub Singapore has raised $1.1million and is backed by a network of investors and partners.
An interesting list of "hot" coworking spaces offering useful ideas on fit-out and design.
The Hive is a new women-only coworking space in Philadelphia.
Some shared offices have jumped on the coworking bandwagon to sell workspace.
Open-plan workspaces are endemic. But they're not suited to everyone, and they're certainly not conducive to high productivity.
Within the walls of business centers and coworking spaces, culture becomes defined - and it can make or break a workplace environment.
These negative comments regarding coworking suggest it's no place for a law firm. But is that really the case?
Did you know that coworking, in its earliest form, started back in 1995?
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