
Keep up with emerging trends and create valuable connections at these Future Of Work, Flexible Workspace, and Workplace industry events.

Forbes Future Of Work Summit

New York, NY.

The coming impact of artificial intelligence. Mass job cuts in the tech sector. A shifting balance between employees and employers as the pandemic erodes and the threat of a recession looms. Work today is defined by the technological disruptions we face with the onset of generative AI, the enduring talent shortages leaders still confront despite

The Brief – Marketing Brew Summit

New York, NY.

Through dedicated workshops and interactive presentations, you’ll step away with tactical learnings and tangible takeaways.

WSJ Future of Everything

New York, NY.

What are the bold ideas, investments, experiments, and moonshots shaping the future? Find out at The Future of Everything Festival, May 2-4. They’re gathering the most curious minds to explore what’s next with the change agents thinking lightyears ahead. From the front page of The Wall Street Journal to your front-row seat, they’re taking a

WorkX Conference

New York, NY.

The event will showcase how the future of work meets workplace transformation. This two-track program will provide you the opportunity to learn from experts from the Best Places to Work, Fastest Growing Brands & Most Innovative Technologies. This year WorkX Conference will have more interactive discussion groups, lightning talks, an extraordinary exhibit hall experience, new

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