The world is currently undergoing the world’s largest work from home experiment, and once the dust has settled, it is clear that the future of work will never be the same.
Now that a large portion of the workforce has been exposed to the benefits of working from home, it is likely that many will demand more flexible solutions in the future. Managers who were once skeptical about remote working arrangements now understand that it can be done and in fact, may actually help with productivity and morale. A survey from Canada Life found that those who worked from home ranked their productivity as 7.7 out of 10 compared to the 6.5 for office workers.
Working from home has allowed employees to create their own schedules, which means they can choose the time of day that best suits their needs. This has allowed employees to achieve a better work-life balance, work smarter and boost their productivity.
Still, while there are numerous benefits to working from home, that does not mean physical offices are dead. Creating a truly collaborative and community-driven atmosphere is hard to replicate in a home environment. That is why having an office space where employees can still interact with employees is essential.
Knowing this, many companies will likely adopt a hybrid of remote working arrangements and office space. Even if and when some workers come back to the office, the spaces will look much different as companies will need to adopt strict sanitation and physical distancing protocols.