Companies large and small have had no choice but to transition their workers to remote working arrangements, and many have found that this may be the preferred policy of some employees.
However, as vaccines continue to be distributed globally, some organizations are preparing to bring some of their workers back to the office.
This has led some to adopt a hybrid approach, allowing workers to have a choice between working from home and working in the office.
However, there could be some challenges to how this arrangement could shape the workforce.
The physical proximity between in-office and remote workers may highlight inequalities.
For instance, after a video conference call, those in the workplace are likely to continue their conversation. Those at home don’t get to participate in these candid moments, which could lead to unintended bias against them.
Business leaders are unable to see how their remote workers are interacting and connecting with their colleagues. Video conferencing is unable to take note of emotions, body language or spontaneity.
One of the biggest challenges of remote working has been collaboration. Although there are various collaboration tools that make interacting with colleagues a little easier, building a sense of community becomes difficult.
There is a certain spark of connection that comes with being in an office with workers, from finding common ground on non-related work topics to facing project challenges together.