Asia Pacific’s leading flexible workspace provider, The Executive Centre, has opened two new locations in Chengdu and Shanghai as it continues its expansion in China.”
The Chengdu location takes up nearly 35,000 square feet on the 45th floor of the city’s IFS complex in the Jinjiang District.
The workspace’s design is inspired by Shu Embroidery, one of the four famous embroidery styles in China that features silk threads and sculptural elements. It also features a bar area and lounge, as well as 345 workstations.
The Shanghai location is located on the 8th floor and takes up over 28,500 square feet of space. It features nearly 300 workstations and functional designs such as height-adjustable standing desks, Cisco phone systems, keyless locks and more.
Opened in September, TEC’s Shanghai location is situated in the city’s business district and will expand into the building’s 7th floor later this year.