Google To Settle Gender Discrimination Lawsuit By Paying $118 Million
Google will settle a class-action gender discrimination lawsuit that includes 15,500 women by paying $118 million.
Explore articles and insights on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), promoting a more inclusive and equitable workplace.
Google will settle a class-action gender discrimination lawsuit that includes 15,500 women by paying $118 million.
“At the heart of PayU are PayUneers. And at the core of being a PayUneer is being able to be ‘U’ at the workplace,” said Priya Cherian, chief people officer ...
Confidence has waned that organizations will “do what is right” when it comes to addressing racism, and employees are now willing to quit without concrete action.
Allowing people with diverse backgrounds to share their experience, opinions, and suggestions creates opportunity for professionals to guide the future of work decisions.
Finding out why minority groups receive disproportionate income and taking time to research why these populations are more vulnerable will be crucial to creating a more diverse future.
By endorsing diversity movements as well as hiring people from these groups, companies show that they intend to take a stand for those who have not previously been considered a ...
Taking data from over 209,000 job ratings, the average LGBTQ+ employee experience rating came in at 3.62 out of 5 — 6% lower than non-LGBTQ+ employees.
Research suggests that there are around 27 million ‘hidden workers’ in the US. This group is unemployed but eager to work, and have a great variety of skills. Here are ...
Despite the immense difficulties facing companies during the labor shortage, more than 80% of hiring managers also say they have concerns about taking on both employees 60+ and under 25, ...
Employees will receive reimbursement for travel expenses for abortion or trans-related healthcare services if neither is available within 100 miles of where a worker lives.
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