Why Wellness Should be Key to Shaping Workplace Design
Designing workplace environments that encourage people to sit less and move more to prevent risks associated with sedentary behavior as outlined by AHA.
Find the latest tips and strategies for achieving work-life balance, helping you maintain productivity and well-being.
Designing workplace environments that encourage people to sit less and move more to prevent risks associated with sedentary behavior as outlined by AHA.
15 wellness program ideas that flexible workspace managers can easily implement in their workspaces to cultivate a healthy environment and community.
How DC's yoga and wellness focused coworking space, workFlow, first started and why it has been such a hit among freelancers and companies alike.
Liz Elam from Link Coworking shares an anecdote on how coworking can help individuals go through rough times and improve our mental health.
Jo Upward from Platform Group shares insights on what contributes to workplace wellbeing and how workpsace operators and members can benefit from new wellness trends.
The 7 bases of the WELL Building Standard can help flexible workspace operators design spaces that encourage wellness and physical activity to prevent obesity.
This week's in the loop covers how flexible work might increase infections, the importance of wellbeing, and the downside of highly engaged employees.
In the loop: Forbe's list of best coworking spaces in Asia, health and workspace design, and how to be happier at the workplace.
A company that's turning restaurants into coworking spaces, workspace design for well-being, and why coworking is the new normal.
June 24th is Bring Your Dog to Work Day and many workers find they will not be able to bring their furry friends into the workspace.
In this episode, Dr. Monahan explores the intersection of technology, education, and the workforce, sharing how freelancing is reshaping industries
How do you fill the offices in your coworking space with great-fit members? Let's chat about it. Join us for a free and flexible community conversation with fellow workspace operators and coworking pros around the world. Our all-star guests for this one include: Anne Olsen from The Shop Workspace Mark Eaton from The Corner Coworking
This webinar is a great way to learn how to create a more convenient and welcoming experience for your coworking space members.
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