Technological advancements have led workplaces to take collected data and effectively provide workers with a work environment that is more fluid, flexible, and collaborative.
Using technology such as artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) can help better identify the most effective design model for workspaces by tracking the movements of occupants and seeing what areas are utilized the most and the least.
Organizations can then gather real-time information about the work environment, from motion and heat sensors, cameras, mobile devices, and more to improve the user experience.
Design firm Vocon used such technology for an insurance client after it’s office was at full capacity and had no more room to accommodate expansions.
The Vocon team started a study on occupancy in the space and found that the conference room had an average of 50% utilization, with only a 24% conference seat utilization. This revealed that the conference rooms were larger than necessary and allowed the team to recommend mixing in collaborative spaces.
“By proactively embracing cutting-edge technology and tools, companies can validate their decision making, cut down on real estate costs, and re-direct resources toward the employee experience, helping to reshape the workplace and position for the ever-changing need of their global workforce,” said Camille Tighe, a workplace strategist at Vocon.