The Harvard Business Review has found that diverse companies are more innovative, which adds 19% more revenue. This is no surprise — diversity in the workplace is essential to bringing together a wide array of cultures, races, generations that offer varying experiences and insights.
While hiring diverse talent is necessary to create a truly innovative workplace, making those workers feel included is also vital. So how can companies adopt genuine diverse practices that keep workers inspired and engaged?
First, companies should reevaluate their recruiting process. Typical interviews have unconscious bias, and using these practices causes business leaders to turn away top talent.
According to Tatyana Tyagun, HR generalist at Chanty, using tools such as Toggl Hire and Vervoe tests a candidates’ skills without seeing their age, name or nationality, which helps prevent bias in the hiring process.
Business leaders should also look to their diverse employees when making decisions. Although it is the C-suite’s responsibility to make major decisions, it is important to hear their perspective on how to improve the company’s operations and culture and for workers to be included in certain processes.
Once a company has actively recruited diverse talent, it is also important to give them growth opportunities within the organization.
“If the entirety of your C-suite and mid-level management consists of white men, you’re sending a message to diverse employees that there’s no real future for them at your company,” said Jennifer Walden, director of operations at WikiLawn Lawn Care.