Some coworking operators are converting their workspaces in order to create an environment for students to safely virtually learn.
For instance, coworking firm Quest Workspaces, which has 12 locations in Florida and New York, will turn its office space into small pods for students who will be accompanied by a tutor or teachers. This comes as many school districts are making the move to virtual arrangements due to the ongoing pandemic.
Coworking firms are taking advantage of this opportunity, particularly as leasing for these workspaces has fallen over the past several months. For instance, leasing for coworking spaces was down 84% in the first quarter of 2020 year-over-year in New York according to JLL.
“It’s no different than what we do in terms of managing our space. We can bring companies together of all different sizes,” said Laura Kozelouzek, CEO of Quest Workspaces. “There is a need for people to get out of their homes.”
The Quest Micro-Class Pods will start at $200 for children of members, and $400 for nonmembers. Each pod will include up to six students and will largely be geared towards middle and high school students.
Industrious and WeWork are also considering adopting a similar strategy in a safe and responsible way.