Would you prefer to work from home permanently, or return to the office as soon as possible?
While research varies from one extreme to the other, it seems the workforce is ultimately split.
New research by Locatee, carried out by YouGov, reveals interesting insights into UK office workers’ attitudes towards productivity, job security, and the prospect of continued WFH during Covid-19 restrictions.
Highlights of the study include:
- If given the choice, just 7 percent of respondents would return to the office full time, 18 percent would work from home every day, whilst 32 percent would work from home most days.
- Those with three or more children are the most likely to want to return to the office permanently (11 percent).
- Why do people want to work from home? 72 percent say ‘comfort’, 50 percent say they feel more productive, and 50 percent feel that time spent commuting is too high.
- However, remote work isn’t a full-time solution. Just 13 percent of respondents feel they manage or train teams as effectively when working remotely.
- Job security over the next year is a concern for over a quarter of respondents (28 percent).