Revamping Expectations For Coliving Spaces
Woodbourne Group revealed its proposal to open a coliving building in Birmingham, which would feature studios rather than the cramped rooms often seen in these spaces.
Woodbourne Group revealed its proposal to open a coliving building in Birmingham, which would feature studios rather than the cramped rooms often seen in these spaces.
Snapchat’s parent company Snap is in talks to lease 25,000 square feet at 167 North Green Street in Chicago, which would nearly double its current office footprint.
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella and LinkedIn CEO Ryan Roslansky addressed why they believe hybrid work is here to stay, and how their companies are adjusting to this shift.
Analysis from Lensa Insights identified the best and worst states for work-life balance using commute times, weekly work hours, a well-being index, and Glassdoor ratings.
While much has been said about the negatives of a daily commute, a new study from University College London shows that this travel may actually benefit workers.
Although some companies are looking to decrease their real estate footprint, the demand for suburban workspaces presents a huge opportunity for landlords.
McKinsey & Co. and LeanIn.Org’s annual Women in the Workplace report finds that the gap between women and men experiencing burnout has almost doubled from last year.
Flexible office network Deskpass has announced it will expand into Canada, with plans to launch in the Greater Toronto area starting this week.
Some workers have indeed returned to the office, but many are finding themselves still attending Zoom meetings and operating as if they were working from home.
Some companies are dipping their toes into the wearable technology world, with a few attempting to provide workers’ the ability to view their monitor through a headset.
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