Take a moment and think of your competitors; those business centers or co-working centers in your area that compete to fill space. Look them up online. What are their unique sales propositions? What is your “take away” after visiting their sites? Now go to your site. Ask yourself the same question. Is it clear what makes your center stand out among the fray? If you can’t quickly describe your brand and what makes your business unique, join the club. So many business center owners struggle to articulate their brand. Brand gets lost in the shuffle of filling spaces and scrambling to outpace your competition.
The problem is that lack of clear brand is often the culprit lurking at the bottom of failed campaigns, hit-or-miss sales tactics and other tail-chasing activities that take time and effort with zero tangible results.
So start re-assessing your brand now — before you waste another dollar on marketing that goes nowhere!
Five questions to start re-capturing your brand:
- What product/service do you offer, and what problem does it solve or need does it fulfill?
- Who are your tenants?
- What do they particularly like about your “whole product” (the space, people, policies, service)?
- How do you stack up against other centers in the area?
- How would you describe your culture? (jeans, suits, collaborative, formal)
Answering these questions will take you a long way towards identifying your brand. Once arrived at, that brand then needs to be inserted into everything you do. It is the glove that fits your ideal client. The perfect size and shape for your market.
Sound like a hassle? It has to be done and it’s not as hard as you think it is. Make it a top priority at your next meeting and get your team together. Once you have crafted a value proposition that reflects your brand, adjust your website and marketing materials so that they properly reflect it. You’ll find it an activity worth the effort as it will infuse your team with new energy and help everyone look at your business with a renewed sense of purpose.