Innovation is one of the key factors in driving agility within the workplace as it accelerates processes and optimizes workflow.
This rings true for many workers across Europe. In fact, a Gallup poll found that 41% of employees in Germany agreed with the statement: “I feel encouraged to come up with new and better ways of doing things.” Despite this, only one in four employees feel that their opinions are taken into consideration within the workplace.
Gallup also found that focus on innovation is one of the eight factors that drive culture of agility in the workplace, but most businesses lack all of them. Thus, employees’ ideas are rarely heard.
For leaders to encourage workplace innovation and become more agile, they should: work to establish trust and create a safe environment that fosters relationships; use collective brainstorming so employees can have new perspectives and exchange ideas; challenge employees to seek multisolution solutions that allow them to look at problems from different angles; and apply 3P thinking (people, place, and process) in a way that allows workers to get the most out of each aspect.