A new survey from office solutions company ETZ Payments has revealed that well over half of Brit workers believe flexible working is the future.
“Our research shows that for many people flexible hours is more valuable than a pay rise and that for 43% of Brits it is the most important factor for them when choosing employment,” said Nick Woodward, ETZ Payments’ CEO. “This is especially pertinent for parents who have children to look after in during the summer holidays as childcare can be very costly.”
Although the demand for flexible working is clearly growing, the option is still out of reach for many workers. In fact, about 89% of parents said they would want to work flexibly, but only 49% actually do as flexible arrangements are not yet available in their workplace.
Additionally, one in five respondents said they would switch to freelancing over a traditional 9-to-5 in order to maintain a healthier work-life balance.