With daycares and schools closed and internet providers overwhelmed by increased traffic, working from home has left a bad taste in many people’s mouths. But “Work From Home” does not fully grasp what is truly happening to the workforce. Instead, “Work From Anywhere” is more suitable.
At the moment, working from anywhere is obviously not an option as coronavirus keeps us at home. But in the long-term, a truly flexible workplace will be one where employees have the option to work in the environment of their choice, whether that be at home, the local coffee shop, a hotel, or even your old office that you attended prior to the pandemic.
Flexibility also means changing out schedules to accommodate the needs of each work day. Some days may be jam-packed with meetings for team-driven projects, others may involve solely individual work and there may be times where days are a mixture of the two.
The main challenge in creating a Work From Anywhere culture are expenses. Most companies already have expense policies in place that go towards employee equipment. But does that mean a company should subsidize coffee purchases or a day pass at a coworking facility? After all, one of the main benefits of working from anywhere is that companies get to cut overhead costs.
Overall, this method may not save a company money in the long-run. Instead, it is an investment in the well-being and productivity of workers, which leads to profitability.