In the rural town of Yanceyville, North Carolina, small business owners start off their mornings parked outside of government buildings or McDonald’s to check their email. According to the Caswell County economic development director Cori Lindsay, only around 50% of the population have access to high-speed internet at home.
In order to boost entrepreneurialism and attract better talent, the county has revealed plans to work with coworking operator HQ Raleigh in order to open its first coworking space.
CoSquare, the coworking hub within an old pharmacy, will offer offices and fiber internet. The coworking space will also become an affiliate member of HQ Raleigh, allowing members to use HQ resources at its various locations.
Currently, CoSquare has one anchor tenant, agriculture startup, which provides real-time data to provide soil management recommendations.
According to Lindsay, the county hopes that the new coworking hub will help revitalize and boost business in the downtown area.
“We are going to see an entire network of rural communities,” said Jess Porta, director of HQ Raleigh. “I think we are going to see that continue to spread out where people can have a rural lifestyle but can tap into big city resources.”