Knotel appears to be going through a rough patch with its landlords in New York City. The flexible workspace provider was hit with a new lawsuit over unpaid rent early this week.
According to court documents, Knotel now owes property owners nearly $2.8 million.
The latest suit was filed by CIM Group; in it it accused Knotel of unpaid rent for its 28,820 square foot location at 5 Hanover Square. Knotel has not paid rent since April.
The total accumulated backrent reached by August 2020 alunts to $554,796.47 according to the lawsuit. The flexible workspace company only paid $213,733.50 this month; as a result, CIM Group is seeking $341,062.97 in the lawsuit.
Knotel signed its lease at 5 Hanover in 2018.