Whether employees return to the office part of the time or not, one thing that is certain is technology will be at the core of how we work for the foreseeable future.
Health and safety have become the number one priority for organizations. Technological advancements make it easy to mitigate the risk of employees contracting the virus, while nurturing the employee experience.
According to a recent Gartner report, 41% of employees could be working from home at least part of the time by the end of 2021. Knowing this, it is the responsibility of companies to have the resources needed to allow employees to conduct business from home in an efficient manner, as well as providing them curated benefits.
More than ever before, employees are seeking reassurance and guidance from their employers. By providing them with benefits technology that they can access whenever needed, companies can fulfill their efforts to be as flexible as possible.
Even more, employers can showcase their benefits on job listings in order to better recruit and retain top talent.
Offering personalized benefits technology not only shows workers that their company values them, but it creates a stronger bond that is much needed during these challenging times.