Hybrid working has become one of the big emerging trends from the last year as companies come to terms with the fact that there is not a one-size-fits-all workplace solution.
IWG is one of the recent purveyors of this concept and has started marketing their offices to companies looking to adopt this new arrangement.
IWG is one of many other flexible workspace operators navigating new business models that could help boost business in the post-pandemic era.
This is particularly important for this industry, as it has suffered great losses throughout the last 11 months. In fact, IWG recently announced it would be setting aside up to £160 million to cover future office closures.
However, as companies adopt more remote working solutions as part of their operational policies moving forward, IWG believes that there will be growing opportunities for the flexible workspace industry.
The company has already signed deals with companies looking to adopt the hybrid model, including bank Standard Chartered.
“Hybrid working has become the new norm and, in our view, is here to stay,” said Mark Dixon, CEO of IWG.
This arrangement has been boasted as the ideal solution for employees who still want the option to work from home, but miss the camaraderie and collaboration opportunities that the office holds.