Daily commutes have long been disdained by professionals who are forced to extend their work day simply by traveling to and from the office.
While the pandemic provided some relief, companies are attempting to bring their workers back into the office. Now, workers are again dreading the idea of having to make long daily treks.
But what if the commute could actually be something to look forward to?
Thinking outside the box, there are actually ways to make the commute cheaper and good for mental health.
With many companies moving to hybrid models in order to accommodate growing demand for flexibility, the weekly commute will already be shorter.
For those who take public transit, the decreased time on the bus or train can help ease the stress this traveling can cause. Those who must drive to the office are also in luck, with research by Wejo finding that normal “rush hour” times have dropped.
But the commute doesn’t just have to be done in a crowded subway station. Since companies are adopting flexible offices closer to workers’ homes, commuting can also be done on bike to incorporate exercise at the beginning of the day and improve overall wellbeing.