Industrious will partner with Holualoa Cos. to operate a new coworking space at the Camelback Collective in Phoenix.
The partnership will allow Industrious to operate the space on behalf of Holualoa, giving the two organizations the ability to share revenue and profit.
“Even before the pandemic, we saw a big shift from companies going from a traditional office lease to a hub and spoke model,” said Sam Segal, director of real estate at Industrious. “Covid has accelerated that shift. May and June were milestone months for Industrious.”
Previously, the space had been occupied by Serendipity Labs, which recently vacated the space. Segal added that the space did not require much renovation and is currently working with former members of Serendipity to offer them Industrious memberships.
The 32,000 square foot office will feature private offices, conference rooms, collaborative areas, complimentary breakfast, a lounge area and more.