Working from home has undoubtedly led many people to alter their lifestyles. While some may have upped their drinking and eating habits, others have been working more than ever before.
Recently, the Wall Street Journal identified a new trend that has emerged from the mass adoption of remote working: employees taking on two full-time remote jobs.
Due to many large corporations mistreating employees during the midst of the pandemic, several of these workers have no guilt in playing with the system to receive more pay. Doing so helps them heal from financial losses they may have experienced during this economic downturn.
One website aims to help workers looking for this kind of opportunity, offering guidelines into what it takes to be a career two-timer.
Overemployed suggests that workers can adopt this lifestyle if they are willing to take risks, possess certain specialized skills, as well as have self-discipline and communication skills.
While juggling multiple work calendars, emails, virtual meetings and more has grown in popularity, the number one rule with this arrangement is to keep it a secret. Another important rule to remember when working two remote jobs is to not fall in love with them, as it makes it harder to make rational decisions.
Equally important is having an exit strategy, especially if there are less-than-ideal outcomes with one of the positions. Knowing when and how to get out can save workers a lot of pain in the future.