- January often feels like a long month, for all the wrong reasons.
- Now more than ever, it’s important to give our wellbeing a much-needed boost.
- If you’re stuck in a January slump, why not give one of these activities a go?
It’s January. It’s a challenging time for humanity. And if you happen to be in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s probably freezing cold.
Now more than ever, we need perking up.
Of course, that’s not easy with the restrictions many of us are living under at the moment. The pick-me-up trips to the cinema and other things that would usually see us through the winteriest of months are firmly on hold for the next few weeks.
But hope isn’t lost. We can still find small, simple ways to infuse our days with positivity and boost our wellbeing. If you find yourself stuck in a January slump, why not give one of these activities a go?
1. Wiki-breaks
When you’re feeling bored or just need a short break from the project or task you’re working on, go on Wikipedia and hit ‘random article’.

It’s a quick and easy way to learn about something new and potentially fascinating. It’ll also provide your brain with a welcome break from the world of work.
So far this week, I’ve journeyed down into the depths of the Escoural Cave in Portugal, discovered the fictional city of Lagado and enjoyed a coffee with Samuel Okey, an 18th Century British mezzotint engraver who emigrated to North America.
Give it a try: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
2. Tech-free Meditation
Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need an app to meditate. (If your phone is as old as mine the very process of making space for the app and updating to the latest version of OS to be able to install it is about as conducive to relaxation as a pie in the face.)
Here’s what to do:
- Go to the quietest room in your home
- Turn off the lights
- Sit down
- Close your eyes
- Breathe deeply and rest for a few minutes
Instead of closing your eyes, you could light a single candle and focus your attention on that. And if you don’t mind adding some tech to the equation, you could listen to a calming playlist on Spotify while you relax. Here’s one to get you started: Japanese Onsen Bath.

3. Desktop Holiday
In the absence of international travel, we have to rely on our imaginations to take us to faraway lands. Or in this case, Google Maps.
There are a few different ways you can do this. You could try the “close your eyes and drop the pin on the map” method. I just did this and ended up at this lovely waterfall in the Ukraine. Or you could do some research and get lost in some of the world’s most awe-inspiring places, such as this mountainous region in Nepal.

4. Walking Bingo
Why not spruce up your daily walk by adding a gamific-ation element to it?
Walking bingo could be a good one. The country and type of environment you live in will influence what you look out for. For instance, if you can access a local park, you could make it your mission to track down different plants and animals over the course of the week.
Here’s an example:

5. Challenge Yourself
Finally, you could use this time to try out something that you thought was out of your reach or too time-consuming to pursue. A good example is chess. Thanks to the Netflix series based on the novel The Queen’s Gambit, chess playing is experiencing a resurgence.
There are lots of online chess communities, websites and apps out there that can help you learn without having to physically partner up with another player. Learning online means you can take things at your own pace and fit it around your work/life schedule.
Other skills you might want to explore include:
- Knitting
- New language
- Musical instrument
- Drawing
- Sudoku

If you’ve got any other tips or things you find helpful for keeping the January blues at bay, please share them on Twitter and tag @Allwork_Space. In the meantime, stay safe!