- Scientific research has tied petting a dog to reduced stress levels.
- Taking breaks to walk your pet can encourage weight loss and may lower blood pressure.
- Pets in the workplace can make employees happier and increase productivity.
Dogs naturally add joy and playfulness to each day, but their workday companionship has deeper benefits. Here are five reasons why companies and workers can benefit from having dogs at work.
1. Dogs reduce stress
It’s no secret that pets can directly impact the wellness of people, especially at work. More specifically, having dogs around has been known to help with:
- Decreasing work-related anxiety and stress
- Improving relationships with their coworkers
- Eliminating feelings of isolation
Not only are dogs extremely forgiving, but they can help workers stay grounded when faced with workday challenges.
Plus, scientific research has tied petting a dog with reduced cortisol levels, the biggest stress hormone found in humans.
2. Dogs inspire better physical health
Closely intertwined with mental wellness, dogs can also help improve physical health.
Research has shown having a dog around can lower blood pressure, while also encouraging breaks and exercise throughout the day. For those who work long hours at a desk, this is critical to their creative output.
While dogs require both exercise and outdoor time, humans also benefit from this type of routine. In fact, having a dog in the workplace can:
- Encourage weight loss
- Alleviate the risk of diabetes
- Reduce blood pressure
- Decrease the likelihood of allergies
3. Dogs can boost productivity
Oftentimes, people wear nonstop work days as a badge of honor. However, this can reduce quality of work, and inevitably lead to burnout. Temporary distractions like playtime and short walks allow for crucial mental breaks.
Studies show that productivity can actually decrease if too much time is spent on one project. Regular short breaks typically leave workers feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the project again.
4. Dogs can help coworkers get along
Both dogs and humans are naturally social creatures. Research from Virginia Commonwealth University revealed that having pets at work encouraged employee interactions that may not have normally happened.
Discussing various breeds, quirky habits, and taking a walk with a colleague are just a few ways that having dogs in the office can cultivate better relationships with your coworkers.
5. Dogs make Zoom meetings better

Zoom meetings can easily begin to take over the day, for both remote workers and in-office counterparts communicating with them. The truth is Zoom fatigue impacts everyone, and dogs might be the remedy.
Honest Paws conducted a survey of 400 remote workers across the US on a range of issues from mental health to coping with Zoom. According to the survey, 48% of workers said that the appearance of a coworker’s dog during a Zoom call helped to mitigate feelings of stress. 51% stated that a dog’s appearance on Zoom also made meetings more enjoyable.
Anyone, or any dog who can make meetings better definitely makes them coworker of the year.